Account Settings: How do I edit my profile details?

Chris Horroll
Chris Horroll
  • Updated


You can quickly and easily edit your profile.


To edit your profile details:

  1. Click on your profile picture in the top right-hand corner
  2. Click Account settings


  3. You can update all of your details on this page
    1. To amend your personal details, simply type in the new information in the relevant field
    2. To amend your password, enter this into the New Password field and again into Confirm Password
  4. Click Save once you have completed your edits

You can make updates to the following details:

  • Your name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Home address
  • Unsubscribe from all emails
  • Your password


If you wish to close your account, please contact our Customer Support team who can help


You can edit your profile from your Development Overview.

  1. Click on your profile picture in the top right-hand corner
  2. Click Account settings
  3. You can update all of your details on this page
  4. Click Save once you have completed your edits

You can make updates to the following details:

  • Your name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Your Position within the organisation

You can also upload a profile picture to add to your account.

Once you have completed your edits, click Save to finish.