Forgotten my username or password

Chris Horroll
Chris Horroll
  • Updated


If you have forgotten your username or password, you can easily reset this and get logged back into your Yourkeys account quickly.

This article includes: 

Forgot your username?

Our system uses your email address as your username and we send a confirmation email of your account set-up to the email you registered with. If you are unsure which email address you used, you can contact our Customer Support team who can help you further.

 Did you know...

You can search Yourkeys in your email inbox to double-check if it was the email you registered with

Forgot your password?

You can change or reset your password from our login page.

  1. Click Forgot Password? under the Login button
  2. Enter your email address registered with Yourkeys
  3. Within seconds you’ll receive an email from us. Follow the steps in the email to reset your password

If you need any further assistance with your username and password, you can contact our Customer Support team who can help you further.