Development Settings: Unit settings & availability

Chris Horroll
Chris Horroll
  • Updated



Depending on your user role, the following actions may not be available to you

You will be able to make changes to your live units, update the status of a unit and create new units from your Dashboard.

This article includes: 

Making changes to live units

To make changes to live units:

  1. Navigate to your Dashboard
  2. Click the three dots beside the relevant development
  3. Click Edit Development
    1. Alternatively, in the Development's Unit Listing, click on the cog icon in the upper right corner and this will also take you here

This will open up the Unit settings & availability tab. Here you can edit both the availability of units, their details and check some basic information.

Making changes to a unit's status

To change the status of a unit:

  1. Click Edit availability next to the relevant block
  2. You can check or un-check the units in this block to mark these as either live or not ready for sale
  3. Click on Apply Changes when you are happy with the selections

Units that are unchecked will appear in this list, but will not appear in the Unit Listing when you or your users log into the development.

Edit and create new units and blocks

To manage a particular unit, locate the specific unit and then you will see two buttons; Edit and Duplicate.

  1. Click Edit to make edits to this unit. If a reservation is in progress, this will not be editable and the fields will be greyed out
  2. Click Duplicate to duplicate a unit that has already been created. You will see an editable box where you can add the number of duplicates you wish to make
  3. Click Add Unit to manually add another unit
  4. Click the + symbol to add new blocks to your development

 Did you know...

If you have a lot of units to add to the platform, you can contact our Customer Support team who can assist in uploading unit details