My Development Overview

Chris Horroll
Chris Horroll
  • Updated


The Development Overview page shows you a list of all units on a single development. It is also the area of Yourkeys where you can add a new reservation and edit certain details of the development.

This article includes: 

Navigating the Development Overview

To navigate to the Development Overview, click View next to your chosen development.


From this page, you will see a list of all units below currently added to the development and each of their statuses. Above this are six tabs that will allow you to filter the list depending on what status you wish to view. The statuses available are:

  • Available
  • Reservation in progress
  • Tentatively reserved
  • Reserved
  • Exchanged
  • Completed

To view all properties with a particular status, click into the individual tab to filter those results only, or, click multiple tabs to show more than one status.

Unit List

In the unit list, you can also view the following information on each unit:

  • Unit/plot number
  • Property information
  • Asking/agreed price
  • Attributes
  • Buyer details
  • Last Progression Summary update
  • Estimated completion date

Tentatively reserved units will also show whether the next step to complete is for the buyer or seller giving everyone a completely clear overview of the next step needed in the reservation journey.

You can also start a reservation from this page. To do this, click Add reservation next to the relevant unit.

Other Features

Other features of the Development Overview include:

  • The three dots next to each unit can also show the progress of a reservation or allow you to change details of the unit listing. You can do this if you click edit unit
  • The settings cog at the top right-hand part of the screen will allow you to view and edit your development at the top level
  • You can edit already created properties if you click Edit next to a unit or create more using the Duplicate button. The development can be closed once all units have been completed via the Take offline button in the upper right-hand corner
  • The reports icon sits next to the settings cog. This is where you can run one of three reports: Progression Report, Development Report and Demographics Report