My Dashboard

Chris Horroll
Chris Horroll
  • Updated


When you sign in to your account, the first page you will see is your Dashboard. This page will display all of your developments, their status, the number of live units and also the number of active sales. This includes all reservations that are incomplete, tentative and full, but excludes completions.

Navigating your Dashboard

Your Dashboard shows you all of the developments you have access to View and edit. This gives you a quick view of all current live units and active sales across all of your developments at any one time.

To view all properties within an individual development:

  1. Click View next to the specific development


  2. We have also included additional features you can use. Click the three dots on the right-hand side of the development. These include:
    1. Viewing reports
    2. Editing team members
    3. Editing the development details
