Your Sales Progression updates display on the Dashboard via the plot bubbles moving into the different statuses. These are:
- Exchanged - Once all contracts have been exchanged
- Completed - For all completed sales
- Pending - Any sale which has stalled during the process but not cancelled
The CRM updates slightly differently depending on whether you are integrated with Yourkeys or not
Once you've completed your reservation in Yourkeys, you'll notice the CRM Dashboard will have updated.
- Once all reservation steps have been completed in Yourkeys, your plot will have moved to the Reserved section of your Funnel
- You can return to Yourkeys via the button at any time. This enables you to enter Yourkeys via the CRM to complete your sales progression steps
- The CRM automatically updates your sales progression steps when you make updates in Yourkeys
For more information on the sales progression steps in Yourkeys, click here
Once you've completed your reservation, you control the sales progression on the CRM Dashboard.
When each step has been completed, click, drag and drop the plot bubble into the relevant sections to continue your sale through to the Completed phase.
The plot details phase updates and all activities are captured as you move from Reserved to Completed.