The CRM houses all of your available plots in the Funnel making it easy to see a snapshot of the current status of your development's plots from the Dashboard.
You can edit the information before, during, or after reservation on all plots from within the CRM.
This article includes:
Editing plots
Editing your plots in the CRM is a very quick process, no matter the status of your plot.
- Navigate to your Funnel and click on the plot bubble you wish to make edits on
- A new page opens that houses your plot information. Click Edit in the top right-hand corner
- All of the fields are now in an editable state. Simply click through the required fields to make your changes. You can also click the arrows on the grey drop-down sections to add further plot information if you wish
- Once you've completed your edits, click Save in the top right-hand corner
There will be a slightly different journey for reserving plots depending on your individual CRM set up
There are 2 main ways in which the CRM is used to store data for your plots and reservations:
- The CRM is integrated with Yourkeys for reservations, or,
- The CRM is the primary software used to create reservations
Did you know...
You can find out if the CRM is integrated with Yourkeys by checking one of your Reserved plots. If you can see the button, your CRM is integrated
As your plots are always visible on the Dashboard, you can create a reservation at any time from here.
- Navigate to your Funnel and click on the plot bubble you wish to reserve
- A new page opens that houses your plot information. To attach a potential buyer to the plot, scroll down to the Buyers field and you can either add a New customer or Add an existing lead or contact
Once you've added a new or existing contact to the plot, the contacts information will populate the fields.
You'll also see thebutton. Click Open in yourkeys to be brought to the Yourkeys site to continue the reservation
For more information on how to reserve in Yourkeys, click here
As your plots are always visible on the Dashboard, you can create a reservation at any time from here.
- Navigate to your Funnel and click on the plot bubble you wish to reserve
- A new page opens that houses your plot information. To attach a potential buyer to the plot, scroll down to the Buyers field and you can either add a New customer or Add an existing lead or contact
- Once you've added a new or existing contact to the plot, the contacts information will populate the fields. If required, you can upload additional information regarding the reservation by click, drag and dropping files in the Related Files section
- Once you've completed this, you can then document the reservation in the CRM. Click, drag and drop the plot bubble to Reserved in your Funnel