Funnel is a fully interactive visual representation of Developments in the CRM. In a single glance, you can view an overview of the state of the business allowing you to progress sales quicker and address bottlenecks.
In each Funnel view, you'll see an interactive graph which houses each of the development plots, and details their status throughout the sales progression journey.
This article includes:
- Funnel - Funnels appear on your Dashboard as soon as you log in and display all the developments you can make edits and reservations on. You'll see all plots displayed as bubbles in their respective status, and, if you click on the plot bubbles, you can view all the plot and lead details stored against it
- Sink or Swim - If you click Sink or Swim, you can switch the view. This allows you to quickly view which plots have a lot of activity attributed to them (swimming) against those which are not as popular (sinking)
- Calendar - If you click Calendar, you can switch the view. This displays all the plots ordered by the expected close date of deals. This view is useful to manage cashflow, plan and forecast
- Map - If you click Map, you can switch the view. If you have a site plan, we can upload this and map your plots, giving you a complete overview of the sales position on the development
- Change development - To switch between developments, you can click on the development funnels to view your plots
- Plots - Each available plot you have displays in this graph, showing it's status. If you click on the plot bubbles, you can view all the plot and lead details stored against it
- Filter - You can change the colours of your plots by filtering them. You can filter by Status, Activity, Close, or No filter/No colour
Sink or Swim
The Sink or Swim graph is a useful visual aid to show an overview of how the plots in your developments are performing. The plots are displayed from top to bottom by the time period of the latest activities logged against them.
This allows you to quickly view which plots have a lot of activity attributed to them (swimming) against those which are not as popular (sinking).
Timeline - The Timeline shows the last time an activity was logged against a plot. These will be in weekly format, starting from 0 weeks (this will mean activity has been logged within the last 7 days) up to 7+ weeks
Status - Along the bottom of the graph, plots are also arranged horizontally by their current status. As with your normal Funnel view, you can alter this to refine it by Close date, last Activity on the deal or Status of the sale
Swimming plots - Plots which are considered Swimming appear at the top of the graph. These plots will be higher due to the activities logged against them. These activities can be in the form of leads generated, tasks created, buyers/reservations added or status changes
Sinking plots - Plots appearing on the lower end of the graph are considered Sinking due to a lack of activity over an extended period of time. This can be for a number of reasons, such as a reservation in progress taking slightly longer than normal to progress, or, a lack of interest in certain plots
Best practice
By identifying which plots are Sinking, you can refocus your sales and marketing decisions to help promote less popular plots
The Calendar graph arranges your plots by month, ordered by the expected close date of your deals. This view is useful to manage cashflow, plan and forecast.
Each plot may display across different months based on when it was added, or, an edit to the plot details. These display in the colour Filter chosen in your main Funnel view.
The numbered boxes within the Calendar indicate the number of plots in your development:
- Blue boxes indicate your active plots
- Red boxes indicate any plot sales which have not completed by the expected close date
You can download your calendar view as a .pdf at any point as a report for you and your staff.
If you have a site plan, we can upload this and map your plots, giving you a complete overview of the sales position on the development.
- Click Map to view the site plan
Your site plan displays with the appropriate plots in the correct order. You can click into each plot via the plot bubbles and create activities or reservations as you would using the Funnel view
Best practice
Viewing your plots on the site plan not only gives you a clearer visual look at the sales progression of your development, but it can also help you spot the plots which may need more attention over time